Der HOffice-Blog

Interessante und witzige Berichte zum Home-Office

von Maico

Statute of limitations on holiday entitlement only under certain conditions
The judges strengthened workers' rights as they were "the weaker party to the employment contract".
Source: ECJ - Judgment
By the way, a different regulation applies in the case of prolonged illness. The entitlement to holiday expires 15 months after the end of the holiday year. If, for example, no vacation was taken due to illness in 1990, it had to be taken by December 31, 1991, otherwise the entitlement would be lost.

Slight decline in home office
Obviously, many employers and employees continue to count on the benefits of working from home, at least where it can be used effectively and meaningfully.
Source: ifo Institute - LINK
The ifo Institute (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich e.V.) is a research institution that deals with the analysis of economic policy.

Checklist of the DGUV for an ergonomic workplace
Who is the DGUV?
The German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV) is the umbrella organization of the commercial professional associations and the accident insurance institution of the public sector - and thus a branch of social insurance. As a compulsory insurance , accident insurance compensates for damage to health that insured persons suffer as a result of an insured activity. The basis for this is the Social Security Code (SGB VII).
What does ergonomic mean?
Ergonomics is the science of human work. It aims to adapt working conditions to people, i.e. ergonomic or optimal working conditions, in terms of occupational medicine as well
occupational science.
Meine Putzfrau hat mir gerade geschrieben, dass sie Homeoffice macht. Sie will mich jetzt anrufen und Anweisungen geben, was zu tun ist...

Home office or home office - what is the correct spelling?
According to German spelling, home office (recommended by the Duden) or home office is permitted in German-language texts. Home office, on the other hand, is not right.
By the way: Home office simply means study in English, and the British Ministry of the Interior is also called that. The English speak of homeworking, homework or "working from home" when they work at home.
Since 2004, the German Spelling Council (RdR) has been using an official set of rules and a dictionary to determine the correct spellings. It is an intergovernmental commission that includes Germany, Austria and Switzerland. LINK!
The Duden spelling dictionary was written by the high school director Konrad Duden and first published in 1880. Until the spelling reform in 1996, the language work, which was constantly adapting to the spirit of the times, was decisive for German correspondence for over a century. In the meantime, the Duden publishing house follows the guidelines of the RdR.
“Life is a foreign language; all people mispronounce it.” (Christopher Morley)

No deterioration in productivity through home office
Nevertheless, two-thirds of the companies said they wanted to bring their home office offerings back to the pre-crisis level after the pandemic. Internal communication is seen as one of the main reasons for this. The lack of exchange between the employees and the more difficult instruction and training of new employees therefore put a strain on the operational processes.

Data theft study 2021 by EY
attacks in recent years
and high-revenue companies
- Companies fear attacks from China and Russia in particular
- 75 percent of the cases discovered involved one
financial benefit
Source: Ernst & Young GmbH auditing company from Stuttgart | LINK

Accident insurance in the home office expanded!
On June 18, 2021, the law to promote works council elections and works council work in a digital working world ("Works Council Modernization Act") came into force. The Bundestag has thus decided to amend SG VII, which means facilitation in works council elections and also an improvement in accident insurance cover in the home office.
Section 8 SGB VII Paragraph 1 was amended as follows:
"If the insured activity is carried out in the household of the insured person or at another location, the insurance cover is the same as if the activity was carried out at the company's premises."
Although there has always been statutory accident insurance protection for home office and other mobile work, this was handled differently by the Federal Social Court, for example in the case of distances covered in one's own household, e.g. to eat or go to the toilet. The new regulation creates clarity here.
In addition, Section 8 Para. 2 No. 2 SGB VII is supplemented by number 2a:
"Covering the immediate route to and from the place where children of insured persons are entrusted to third-party care according to number 2a, if the insured activity is carried out at the place of the common household".
This means that people who work from home and travel to care outside of the home because of their children or their spouse’s or life partner’s children also receive accident insurance cover.

Is a mix of office and home office ideal?
According to a study by immowelt (18,000 participants/May 2021), 53% of working Germans work at least partially from home, and 21% even work five days a week. 85% of home office users want to continue working in the future. Maico unreservedly agrees with this opinion :o)

No more home office obligation since July 1st, 2021
On July 1st, 2021, the obligation for employers to offer home offices ended
must. An extension was ruled out by the Bundestag. As part of
of the Infection Protection Act "Not Bremse" was an ordinance in January 2021
came into force, which made home office mandatory wherever it was
Circumstances permitted, after previously merely reminding the voluntariness to do so
had been. In the course of the corona pandemic, many companies faced the
financial and logistical challenges. According to a survey by
In February 2021, one in three employees was already working at the Munich Ifo Institute
home off. The gratifying decline in the incidence figures now allows one
Return to usual workflows. But is the way intended?
Even before Corona there was a trend towards working from home. In contrast to
other countries have so far lacked the necessary investments in Germany
in the digital infrastructure, but also in the courage to make changes. advocate
bring relief to traffic and savings in energy costs
Field. Office work in particular can now be carried out easily in one's own office
four walls are exercised, whereas for the manufacturing industry
Home office is largely not feasible. According to surveys, both
Employees as well as employers have meanwhile gained positive experiences.
The terrible pandemic ultimately has far-reaching developments in the
economy started. It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict that
Home office will soon be part of everyday work in Germany too.